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Children's Creation Platform- Kid's NFT Art Piece Sold At 60,000USD With 50% Donated to Charity

A 10-years-old girl from Seattle has sold her painting at 4 million babycoin (around 60,000USD) on a children's creation platform for NFT, Kids.art, setting the highest record since it was founded in December 2021. Kids.art is a children's creation platform that allows parents to upload their kids' artworks and turn them into NFT for free. 

The painting sold at a high price has not only made the artist thrilled but 50% of the selling price will be donated to a designated charity. The young lady stated that she is more than delighted to earn her own pocket money. Aside from asking her mother to put the money she earned aside, she would also like to purchase some new drawing instruments with her new fund.

On Kids.art, users can set up the percentage of the selling price for donation if their artworks are sold. According to the young painter's mother, her daughter wishes to come up with more creations and upload them onto the NFT platform. With the experience of selling at such a high price, she hopes to help as much as possible.

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